互不相讓的三隻青蛙, 永遠吵個不停, 好像全世界都是他一個人的, 小朋友本來就是自我中心主義者, 父母要用很多方式讓孩子學習分享.
“ Stay out of the pond!” yelled Milton. ”The water is mine.”
“Get off the island!”Shouted Rupert。“The earth is mine.”
”The air is mine!” screamed Lydia as she leaped to catch a butterfly.
- I am happy. I am sad.
- I am worried.
- I am scared.
- I am tired.
- I am thirsty.
- I am hungry.
利用許多的情緒表達, 可以和孩子討論在學校發生的事情
kid said, " I am sad."
parent said, " what's wrong?"
kid said, " My classmate doesn't like me."
parent said, " you can try again or write a letter."
許多生活的點點滴滴, 你都可以使用簡單句去表達