book: Sylvester and magic pebble
goal: 認識形容詞及形容詞片語.形容詞子句
a mean, hungry lion looking right at him from behind some tall grass
形容詞 名詞 動名詞 片語 介系詞片語
the magic pebble lying right beside hime on the ground
形容詞 名詞 動名詞 片語 介系詞片語
the pebble resting on his back
名詞 動名詞片語
the same thing holding the pebble in his hoof
形容詞 名詞 動名詞 片語 介系詞片語
I have the strangest feeling that our dear Sylvester is still alive and not far away.
形容詞 名詞 形容詞子句