2011年10月7日 星期五

繪本11-see you later, Alligator(做家事)

小孩們喜歡可以遊戲的書, 我介紹Child's play出版的" see you later, Alligator"

Crocodile say:                     ----                                  alligator say:                           
 Wake up , Allgator!                                                     Yawn! Let me finish my dream
  We've got a busy day ahead. Lots to do!  

Crocodile say:                              ----                         alligator say: 
I'm going shopping for some bread.                            Not right now crocodile.
Are you coming , Alligator?                                         I must have a bath.

Crocodile say:                     ---                                    alligator say: 
See you later, Alligator!                                               In a while, Crocodile!

Crocodile say:                                 ----                  alligator say:
Time to clean the house.                                               It's too early, Crocodile.
Will you help me, Alligator?                                          I haven't had breakfast yet!
Crocodile say:                                 ----                   alligator say:
See you later, Alligator!                                              In a while, Crocodile!

Crocodile say:                                ----                   alligator say:
I have to hang the clothes out to dry.                          Wait a minute, Crocodile.
Will you do your share,Alligator?                               I have some builing to finish.

Crocodile say                              : ----                   alligator say:

See you later, Alligator!                                             In a while, Crocodile!

以下提供life routine 的flashcard

