2011年9月28日 星期三

繪本 7-it's mine

繪本7- It's mine.
首先先唸完這有趣的文本, 文本架構有
  1. characters-找找看有幾個人物主角
  2. theme-想想看故事主題是甚麼,學習分享?
  3. problem- 主角们遇到甚麼疑難雜症
  4. solution-人物角色如何解決問題
我每次都會和孩子討論上面四個面向, 試著嘗試和孩子英文討論
for example
  1. Who was the main character?
  2. Why did they quarrel all day?
  3. What happened when the storm came?
  4. What did they learn the lesson?
討論完後, 可以協助他說說英文故事,可以參考以下的學習單樣式

It’s mine

Page 1: In the middle of Rainbow Pond there was a small island.

Smooth pebbles lined its beaches and it was covered with ferns and leafy weeds.

Page2: On the island lived three quarrelsome frogs named Milton, Rupert, and Lydia. They quarreled and quibbled from dawn to dusk.

Page 3: “ Stay out of the pond!” yelled Milton. ”The water is mine.”

Page 4: “Get off the island!”Shouted Rupert。“The earth is mine.”

Page 5:”The air is mine!” screamed Lydia as she leaped to catch a butterfly. And so it went.

Page 6: One day a large toad appeared before them.
“I live on the other side of the island,” he said,” but I can hear you shouting ‘It’s mine! It’s mine!’ all day long. There is no peace because of your endless bickering. You can’t go on like this!” With that the toad slowly turned around and hopped away through the weeds.

Page 7: No sooner had he left than Milton ran off with a large worm. The others hopped after him. “Worms are for everybody!” they cried.But Milton croaked defiantly,” Not this one. It’s mine!”

Page 8: Suddenly the sky darkened and a rumble of distant thunder circled the island.
Rain filled the air, and the water turned to mud. The island grew smaller and smaller as it was swallowed up by the rising flood. The frogs were scared.

Page 9: Desperately they clung to the few slippery stones that still rose above the wild, dark water. But soon these too began to disappear.

Page 10: There was only one rock left and there the frogs huddled, trembling from cold and fright. But they felt better now that they were together, sharing the same fears and hopes. Little by little the flood subsided. The rain fell gently and then stopped altogether.

Page 11: But look! The large rock that had saved them was no rock at all. “You saved us!” shouted the frogs when they recognized the toad.

Page 12: The next morning the water had cleared. Sunrays chased silver minnows on the sandy bottom of the pond. Joyfully the frogs jumped in, and side by side they swam all around the island.

Page 13: Together they leaped after the swarms of butterflies that filled the air.

Page 14: And later, when they rested in the weeds, they felt happy in a way they had never been before.“Isn’t it peaceful,” said Milton.
“And isn’t it beautiful,” said Rupert.
“And do you know what else?” said Lydia.
“No, what?” the others asked.
“It’s ours!” she said.

